Big Scandal Looming? Trump Associate Busted Receiving Unbelievable Salary For 2 Hours a Week Job


Former Trump adviser Mike Flynn has reportedly leveraged his fame as a prominent MAGA supporter to transition from a relatively unknown military officer to the head of a non-profit organization. Flynn, who was Trump’s National Security Advisor, has been discovered to be financially exploiting the organization by awarding himself a substantial salary and compensating various family members.

Flynn’s non-profit, America’s Future Inc., has found itself financially struggling after two years, depleting its reserves while continuing to pay Flynn and his family $518,000, which is 29 percent of its budget, as reported by the New York Times on Sunday, June 23, The report details that Flynn draws a $40,000 salary for a mere two hours of work per week.

As detailed by the Times’ journalists David A. Fahrenthold and Alexandra Berzon, Flynn’s non-profit has provided employment for “one of his brothers, two of his sisters, his niece, and his sister-in-law.” The investigation revealed that Flynn’s family members have collectively earned at least $2.2 million by capitalizing on Flynn’s prominence in right-wing circles over recent years, with more than half of this amount going directly to Flynn.

“Since leaving the Trump administration under an ethical cloud, Michael Flynn has converted his Trump-world celebrity into a lucrative and sprawling family business,” the report states. “He and his relatives have marketed the retired general as a martyr, raising hundreds of thousands of dollars for a legal defense fund and then pocketing leftover money.”

This figure includes several previously unreported payments, though it remains a conservative estimate due to the incomplete public availability of all financial records.

“That total includes several payments not previously reported, but it is still a low estimate since not all financial records are public. The Times’s reporting also raised questions about whether America’s Future had properly disclosed its payments to Mr. Flynn’s relatives,” the report states.

The investigation raises concerns about whether America’s Future Inc., known for promoting conspiracy theories, has adequately disclosed its payments to Flynn’s relatives. Flynn and his family members did not directly address these inquiries.

However, Flynn’s attorney, Jesse Binnall, stated that the Flynns deserve their payments from America’s Future and other entities, and any inaccuracies in their financial disclosures are unintentional.

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