Trauma Surgeon Reveals Startling Evidence Missing in Alleged Trump Shooter Pics


Photo: AP Photo/Mary Altaffer.

Dr. Mollie James, an Intensive Care Unit and Emergency Room trauma surgeon with extensive experience in treating gunshot victims has raised serious questions about the photos of the alleged Trump shooter, Thomas Crooks.

Dr. James, who practices in multiple states, points out several inconsistencies in the images provided by federal authorities that do not align with her medical expertise and experience.

Dr. James explains that the few pictures that have emerged from the rally scene don’t correspond with what she would expect to see after a gunshot incident. “There should be a lot of blood, and there aren’t, in these pictures,” she states as as reported by Free Republic on Thursday, July 18, 2024.

According to Dr. James, the photos of Crooks’ body on the roof of the American Glass Research building in Butler, Pennsylvania, where Crooks allegedly shot at President Trump, lack the large blood spray typically seen in such situations.

“There should be a considerable amount of blood. It depends on the exact trajectory through the head and a few other factors, but behind the body should be a significant amount of blood, brain, hair, skull fragments, and even vertebrae,” Dr. James explains.

The absence of these elements in the photos is puzzling to her and suggests something is amiss. Dr. James further scrutinizes the pictures by comparing drone footage of the entire roof with a close-up shot of the body provided by federal authorities.

She notices irregularities in how the blood has dried on Crooks’ face. “Blood follows gravity, so if the entry point is behind the head, it won’t be going against gravity,” she says, adding, “It looks to me as though the body has been moved.”

Additionally, other drone footage reveals a small amount of what appears to be blood on the roof of the AGR building, but not the significant amount Dr. James asserts should be present. Her expert opinion casts doubt on the official narrative and raises questions about the true nature of the events surrounding the alleged shooter, Thomas Crooks.

Dr. James’ analysis suggests that the scene might have been altered, leading her to question the authenticity of the official account. The absence of expected forensic evidence such as substantial bloodspray, brain matter, and other fragments typically found in gunshot fatalities is a significant point of contention.

Furthermore, Dr. James emphasizes the importance of understanding the natural behavior of blood in gunshot incidents. “When someone is shot in the head, especially with a high-velocity weapon, the resulting force causes an explosive expulsion of blood and brain matter.

This would create a considerable spray, especially on a hard surface like a roof,” she explains. Her observations about the lack of such evidence on the scene are critical in assessing the credibility of the official photos.

The entire interview with Dr. Mollie James provides a detailed critique of the official photos and brings forth her expert observations on the matter.

Her findings and assertions underscore the need for further investigation and clarification of the events at the rally. The inconsistencies highlighted by Dr. James have sparked widespread interest and controversy, as many seek to understand the true circumstances of the incident.

Dr. James’ professional experience and detailed observations provide a critical perspective that challenges the initial reports from federal authorities. Her scrutiny of the forensic evidence—or lack thereof—suggests that there may be more to the story than what has been officially presented.

As the investigation continues, her expert analysis will undoubtedly play a significant role in seeking the truth about what happened on the roof of the American Glass Research building in Butler, Pennsylvania.

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