CA Quashes Trump’s Lie About “Military Turning the Water On”

(Photo by Curtis Means-Pool/Getty Images)
We are in a dark and dangerous place in American history right now. We have a *president* who is an inveterate liar. He makes $hit up on a daily basis and spews it out into cyberspace with his stubby thumbs. And we have a media which is cowed and terrified to call him out.
And that dynamic is a self-extinguishing one. The more the media cringes and shies away from telling the truth, the bolder Trump becomes. And the bolder Trump becomes, the more outrageous the lies become and the more appalled the rest of the world is. Here’s the latest from the firehose of falsehoods. (How do you drink out of a firehose? Beats the hell out of me, but that’s our task.)
Pop quiz, class: Who you gonna believe?
- The Orange Anus?
- The State of California?
This is mental illness right here. And the rest of the world sees it that way. Therein lies the tragedy. We were a once great nation but something bad happened to us. We lost our values and we went down a dark path. At least half of us did.
Trump won by a plurality of 49%, but it’s still a shocker that he could get even that much. If he was a fringe candidate, getting maybe 10%, that would not be shocking. But 49% of the electorate put this total dipshit, fabulist, fantasist, in office?
This is not a laughing matter. Literally, the election of Trump is causing a geopolitical realignment. The rest of the world clearly sees what the American electorate does not, which is that Trump is out of his mind. He should not be anywhere near the Oval Office.
And he got there via a propaganda machine, which has overtaken what once was a free press. The Washington Post was once venerated. It wasn’t just a newspaper, it was an institution. It broke stories like the Pentagon Papers and the Watergate scandal. That was in the 70’s.
Today? Today the motto, Democracy Dies In Darkness has been replaced by Riveting Storytelling For All America. This was owner Jeff Bezos’ idea. He has no clue.
But he has plenty of money. So Democracy Drowns In Dollars, evidently. The billionaires and media conglomerates who own the legacy media and dictate to it, no longer represent a free press.
America without a free press is not America. And that’s why this lunatic in Washington can tweet utter fable at all hours of the day and night and many people believe him. Obviously. It is clear that propaganda works and that many people believe whatever Trump says, no matter how ridiculous.
That is why the rest of the world is looking side eyes at us and making other plans. An American tragedy is taking place here but legacy media whitewashes it, sanewashes it, is the new term, and Fox News yucks it up.