New Poll In Arkansas, North and South Dakota Shows Who American Wants As President in 2024

by Jessica

Recent polling data from Emerson College in three states, Arkansas, North Dakota, and South Dakota shows that former President Donald Trump is leading President Joe Biden in hypothetical 2024 presidential matchups.

In Arkansas, Trump holds a commanding lead, with 57% of respondents indicating their support for him, while only 24% expressed support for Joe Biden as reported by Newsmax on Sunday, October 15, 2023.

A significant portion of the respondents, 10%, preferred another candidate, and 9% remained undecided.

Furthermore, an astonishing 60% of Trump’s supporters in Arkansas expressed unwavering loyalty, stating that there was nothing the former president could do or say in the next several months to change their support.

In contrast, only 18% of Trump supporters noted that there might be something that could alter their allegiance.

In South Dakota, the polling data paints a similar picture, with Trump ahead of Biden by a substantial margin.

The former president secured 50% of support, while Biden received 28%.

Similar to the Arkansas poll, 14% of respondents indicated support for another candidate, and 8% remained undecided.

Trump’s lead in South Dakota indicates that he maintains strong popularity in these states.

The situation in North Dakota is equally favorable for Trump.

Polling data suggests that in a potential 2024 matchup between Trump and Biden, the former president is leading by a remarkable 37-point margin.

While Trump received 58% of the respondents’ support, Biden garnered only 21%.

Much like the other two states, the poll revealed that 14% of respondents favored another candidate, while 7% remained undecided.

One notable trend from the polling data is the high level of commitment displayed by both Trump and Biden supporters in these states.

In North Dakota, 58% of Trump supporters indicated that there was nothing he could do or say to shake their loyalty.

Similarly, 55% of Biden supporters expressed unwavering support for the current president.

It’s important to note that polling data represents a snapshot in time and is subject to change as the 2024 presidential election approaches.

These numbers, while indicating strong support for Trump in these particular states, are not guarantees of electoral outcomes.

Several factors can influence voter preferences, including candidate campaign strategies, political events, and evolving issues in the years leading up to the election.

Trump’s strong showing in these states suggests that he continues to enjoy significant popularity among voters who are dissatisfied with the current administration’s performance.

As the 2024 election cycle unfolds, it will be interesting to see how these early polling trends evolve and whether Trump maintains his lead in these key states or if other candidates emerge to challenge him.


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