‘He’s in big trouble’: GOP adviser says Trump knows he’s losing votes on key issue

Former congressional aide to two House speakers, Brendan Buck, said that it’s clear Donald Trump has realized he’s losing.
Trump has spent most of the past year and a half since announcing he was running playing golf, and doing a rally once a week. It doesn’t appear to have worked out for him, according to Buck.
Speaking to MSNBC’s Jose Diaz-Balart, Buck addressed Trump’s latest bone to families who need fertility treatments to have children. Conservative states are moving to ban the practice, claiming that “life” begins at conception, meaning embryos fertilized in the lab are “alive” and can’t be thrown out.
“I was always for IVF, right from the beginning,” Trump scrambled when speaking to reporters. He went so far as to say that the government would fund all IVF treatments under his administration. It’s something that evangelicals have been unhappy about.
According to Buck, however, the evangelical support for Trump “has been curious since the beginning.”
“There are a lot of social conservatives who are really up in arms right now,” Buck explained. “But, you know, I’m skeptical that they’re actually ever going to leave him. the evangelical support for Donald Trump has been curious from the very beginning, but it has been unwavering nonetheless.”
He explained that Trump has “questionable political instincts” but even in this instance, “he very much understands that on this issue he’s in big trouble.”
All reproductive freedom issues are bad for Trump and for the GOP, Buck explained.
“I’m sure they are seeing polling that shows that this is a real big problem for him, and not just that it is an issue that people disagree with him on, it is an issue that we have seen turns out Democratic voters in it droves,” he warned. “It was the driving issue that had Democrats have the better outcome than we expected in the last midterms.”
While those on the right might be angry about the proposal, Buck said, they “are simply not going to abandon him because they haven’t for eight years.”