Brit Politician Calls Out False Prophet Vance, Who Makes An A$$ Out Of Himself In Reply. EU In Stitches

J.D. Vance is like a lousy actor in Hollywood. He’s got a limited range, which means he’ll never be a star. All Vance knows how to do is: 1. Repeat MAGA dogma; 2. Troll non-MAGAs; 3. Present the MAGA-fied version of Christianity, which is the antithesis of that religion. The evangelical wingnut fringe MAGAs have a white supremacist version of Christianity that would cause Christ himself to blush with shame at his name being so defiled, unless I miss my guess.
Former UK Conservative cabinet member Rory Stewart crossed swords with J.D. Vance today and exposed Vance for the phony he is. Vance is the epitome of the Bible verse, “What doth it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul?” Vance traded away his soul the day he decided to align himself with cultural heroin Donald Trump.
Stewart called Vance’s argument: “A bizarre take…. less Christian and more pagan tribal. We should start worrying when politicians become theologians, assume to speak for Jesus, and tell us in which order to love…”
Vance insisted that his position was well-grounded in Christian theology, and indeed, the concept of “ordo amoris” [Latin for ‘order of loves’] has a long history. His supporters cited St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas, and many conservative evangelicals rallied to his defense.
But Stewart pushed back:
This is what made Christianity so radical among tribal religions. When asked “Who is my neighbor?” Jesus chose a Samaritan—an outsider and theological enemy of the Jews—as the moral exemplar – to challenge the idea that obligation is primarily to one’s own people or community.
This does not mean that Christians should not care for their families. St Augustine + Aquinas talk about why for practical and emotional reasons we focus on those closest to us. And they reflect on how difficult it can be to reconcile love with the demands of justice and mercy.
But Christian love is radical precisely because it always extends to the most vulnerable and marginalised and to those we desperately do not want to love. Hence “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven”
Since I am not a theologian I won’t attempt to wade into these deep waters. But as a deeply flawed Christian, I do find it curious and revealing that the Christian right is so eager to put limits on God’s love — and our own duties to our fellow humans.
And it’s important to note the context of this debate.
Vance is trying to find justifications for policies that include mass deportations, family separations, and cruelty on an epic scale. His argument about the limits of Christian duty also come as the Trump/Musk Administration is dismantling foreign aid programs and halting crucial humanitarian grant programs.
Vance is not making a purely abstract point; he is very specifically defending and justifying policies that will result in human suffering on a massive scale.
Atul Gawande, who ran USAID’s health programs for the last three years, laid out the consequences of the Stop order on foreign assistance. Trump’s order, he posted on X:
1. Stops work battling a deadly Marburg outbreak in Tanzania and a wide outbreak of a mpox variant killing children in west Africa before it spreads further.
2. Stops monitoring of bird flu in 49 countries, a disease which already killed an American on home soil.
3. Stops critical work to eradicate polio.
4. Stops >$1B in corporate drug donations and coordination eradicating tropical diseases like river blindness, elephantiasis, and others on the verge of elimination in whole regions.…
5. Stops medicines, supplies, systems building, staff support aiding >90 million women and children to get low cost vaccinations, prenatal care, safe childbirth, contraception, and other basic lifesaving health needs.
6. Stops direct services for 6.5 million orphans, vulnerable children, and their caregivers affected by HIV in 23 countries.
7. Stops donated drug supplies keeping 20 million people living with HIV alive.
“Make no mistake,” he wrote, “these essential, lifesaving activities are being halted right now. Consequences aren’t in some distant future. They are immediate.”
This is what JD Vance is defending as a “very Christian concept.”
BONUS: JD was so nettled by Rory Stewart’s criticism that he resorted to trolling his IQ.
An honour to have my IQ questioned by you Mr VP. But your attempts to speak for Christ are false and dangerous. Nowhere does Jesus suggest that love is to be prioritized in concentric circles. His love is universal.
Yes, Vance is but a political climber and a phony, just like his Mango Mentor. And the world sees it. What I foresee is a post-Trump era like we saw in post-Hitler Germany, where everybody at the Nuremburg trials kept swearing that they were never Nazis, they just went along to get along.

And Vance may be able to use the low-IQ argument here in the states and it plays out as macho. In Canada, the UK, the EU, anywhere where people are sane, Vance just comes across as a low class dork. Which is what he is. People of substance don’t take him seriously and that won’t change.
Vance is banking on being the inheritor to Trump’s MAGA cult. I don’t think that will be the case. I think Trump and MAGA are going to burn out spectacularly, like Hitler did. The only question is how much damage they do on the way out. We don’t know, but we’re going to find out day by day. It’s 630-some days until the 2026 election. Start preparing to take back what’s ours.