“Critics Slam Trump’s ’60 Minutes’ Dodge as Classic ‘Dear Leader’ Move—Is He Avoiding Tough Questions?”

[Image:Associated Press]
Donald Trump’s unwillingness to sit for an interview for CBS News’ “60 Minutes” — and the excuse given for his no-show — prompted mockery on social media.
The show announced Tuesday that the former president and current GOP nominee had backed out of a sit-down after initially agreeing to one.
Trump campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung, however, claimed “nothing was ever scheduled or locked in” and that, “They also insisted on doing live fact checking, which is unprecedented.”
Fake News. 60 Minutes begged for an interview, even after they were caught lying about Hunter Biden’s laptop back in 2020. There were initial discussions, but nothing was ever scheduled or locked in.
They also insisted on doing live fact checking, which is unprecedented. https://t.co/l7xIacc1JK— Steven Cheung (@TheStevenCheung) October 1, 2024
Critics mocked serial fabulist Trump over the fact-check reason and called him “afraid.”
Democratic rival Kamala Harris has agreed to an interview on the show.
Afraid of the debate stage. Afraid of 60 minutes. And his campaign team – after the last three days of increasingly unhinged and unstable ranting at his rallies – is clearly afraid of exposing him beyond comfortable confines.— David Plouffe (@davidplouffe) October 1, 2024
So Donald has backed out of the third debate, and now he’s backing out of the 60 minutes interview. I’m gonna need wall to wall coverage on his fitness for the next three weeks from the corporate media.— Mueller, She Wrote (@MuellerSheWrote) October 1, 2024
a window into how Trump operation bullies the press – and what their red line is:
“They also insisted on doing live fact checking” https://t.co/9VFLo55WEB— Eric Schultz (@EricSchultz) October 1, 2024
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Trunk’s decline is so stark that even his own people know he can’t sit down and answer real questions from a real journalist. That’s why he only does Fox News/incel podcaster shows.— Ritley (@RitleySammich) October 1, 2024
Live fact checking for a compulsive liar has become a necessity, Steven.— Carlos Turnbull (@cturnbull1968) October 2, 2024
Of course he’s backing out. Truth is like kryptonite for Trump & the fascist movement he leads.— Jonathan Greenberg (@JournalistJG) October 1, 2024
if you are mad about fact checking, then don’t lie all the time. what a team of losers.— Tyler Cannon (@TCanDaMan) October 1, 2024
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