“This is very Dangerous” Loomer Brutally Hits Biden, Exposes Who is Running His Admin with Proof

Photo Credit: Drew Angerer/Getty Images
A political commentator and renowned journalist Laura Loomer unleashed a scathing critique of the Biden administration, raising alarm about the leadership and decision-making within the White House.
In a Tweet on her official Twitter handle on Monday, August 5, 2024, Loomer accused the administration of being controlled by individuals who she claimed were “Islamic terrorists and Islamic terrorist sympathizers.”
Her comments have stirred controversy and sparked debate among political observers and the public.
Loomer’s tweet read: “In case you needed further evidence that @JoeBiden is not in charge of his admin and they have actual Islamic terrorists and Islamic terrorist sympathizers in his admin making decisions… Remember last week when it was announced that the Biden admin made a plea deal with Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, Walid Muhammad Salih Mubarak Bin Attash, and Mustafa Ahmed Adam al-Hawsawi, 3 of the men accused of plotting the September 11, 2001 attacks? Well, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin just revoked that plea deal and he’s claiming that he did not know of it… How is that even possible? Who is running our country? This is very dangerous. What else has slipped through the cracks?”
Loomer’s statement references recent news about a plea deal involving Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the alleged mastermind behind the September 11 attacks, along with two other suspects.
According to reports, the Biden administration had reached a plea agreement with the three men, which sparked outrage among those who felt justice had not been fully served.
However, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin later revoked the deal, claiming he was unaware of its existence, leading to confusion and concern about the internal communications and decision-making processes within the administration.
Loomer’s accusation that the administration harbors “Islamic terrorists and Islamic terrorist sympathizers” is a serious and incendiary claim.
She uses the plea deal incident as evidence to support her assertion that there are individuals within the administration making dangerous decisions without proper oversight.
The implication that the highest levels of government could be compromised by such elements has generated a strong reaction from both supporters and critics.
Critics of Loomer’s remarks argue that her statements are inflammatory and lack substantiated evidence.
They caution against using such charged language, as it risks inciting fear and further polarizing the public.
They also emphasize the importance of distinguishing between legitimate concerns about policy decisions and baseless accusations that could unfairly malign individuals based on their ethnicity, religion, or political affiliations.
Supporters, on the other hand, praise Loomer for her willingness to speak out and question the actions of the Biden administration.
They argue that transparency and accountability are essential, especially in matters of national security.
The revocation of the plea deal, after being made without the Secretary of Defense’s knowledge, raises valid concerns about who is making critical decisions and how such decisions are being communicated within the administration.
The controversy surrounding Loomer’s comments also reflects broader concerns about the Biden administration’s handling of national security issues.
The question of who holds real power within the administration and whether decisions are being made in the best interest of the country has been a recurring theme among critics.
The plea deal incident has intensified these concerns, with some questioning whether the administration has effective oversight mechanisms in place.
In the wake of Loomer’s tweet, political analysts and commentators have weighed in on the implications of her remarks.
Some suggest that her comments are a continuation of a broader effort to delegitimize the Biden administration by painting it as weak or compromised.
Others argue that such critiques, while harsh, show the need for vigilance and accountability in government.
As the controversy continues to unfold, it remains to be seen how the Biden administration will respond to these allegations and whether additional information about the plea deal and other national security decisions will come to light.
In a politically charged environment, Loomer’s statements have added fuel to an already intense debate over the direction and integrity of the current administration.