Donald Trump’s Supporters Back Off From Gus Walz


Photo Credit : Brendan Amialowski/Afp/ Getty images

Some people just want to stick with the politicians and their talking points, while others clearly want to talk about this instead.

Donald Trump’s supporters have made it pretty clear that there’s no reason for anyone to be bullying Tim Walz’s son Gus Walz on social media. Unfortunately, it might be a little too late for that.

Donald Trump’s – Supporters Back Off From Gus Walz

That’s because the internet couldn’t help but point out his supposedly “weird” behavior during the Democratic National Convention even though the young 17-year-old boy has special needs, something that his father Tim calls his son’s “special power.” 

It goes without saying that the internet sure did have a lot to say about the matter.

Some even commented with, “I am 100% conservative and huge Trump supporter! But we are better than this. This is a child who is proud of his dad, no matter who it is. I would hope my child was a cheerleader like this for me. I thought it was endearing.”

“That is what they are going for and that is why they put him on tv weeping, almost inconsolable. I do, however, feel like they are exploiting that poor child for putting him on tv like this. It’s all about the optics for them“

Are Some Critics Going Too Far?

Another critic wrote, “I don’t like Walz one bit as I’m a veteran. I’m MAGA to the core but kids ARE OFF LIMITS.”

“No matter the reasons. He looks Under 18 and that’s an even bigger no no. Keep it clean when talking bout children.”

“Nothing bad was said but the context is no no. Keep the attacks to the adults. That goes both sides.”

But then there was this comment as well: “In any normal situation where the parents would keep the children away from the cameras I would agree with your sentiment, but if Tim Walz weaponizes and showcases his son at the DNC as some sort of asset of diversity or whatnot, then HE makes it fair game, not his opponents. Let’s be clear about this.”

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