Judge Cannon Criticized for Attempting to Assist Trump with Saturday Ruling

Photo Credit: Alex Brandon/AP
During an appearance on MSNBC “The Weekend,” legal analyst and former SDNY prosecutor Kristy Greenberg reported that District Court for the Southern District of Florida Judge Aileen Cannon once again tried to throw Donald Trump a lifeline late Saturday with another demand for the Department of Justice in an effort to keep a damaging Jack Smith report from being released.
Speaking with the hosts on MSNBC, Greenberg expressed exasperation with the Trump-appointed jurist and, along with the hosts, ripped into her with the prosecutor labeling her an attention seeker, and MSNBC’s Michael Steele calling her “in the tank” for the man who handed her a lifetime appointment.
“So what is she doing?” Greenberg asked rhetorically. “She’s doing what she needs to do like she’s like a real housewife who got the assignment. She’s trying to create a storyline for herself for this week, to be able to create drama, to be able to make sure to punt this until he [Trump] can come in and try and bury it –– hopefully the 11th circuit stops it.”
“Just yesterday she ordered DOJ to say, ‘Tell me more about why the January 6th report has nothing to do with these defendants,” she explained. “About half an hour ago, DOJ said, ‘Has nothing to do with these defendants, and you don’t have jurisdiction.'”
Asked about Cannon’s future, the former prosecutor stated, “At least right now, there isn’t anything at the end of the road for her because she’s very useful to Donald Trump exactly where she is –– you know, where Mar-a-Lago is. She’s pretty much the only game in town. The cases generally get wheeled out to her, there aren’t that many other judges in that division, so I think for right now she will be where she is.”
“I mean, again, I hate to say that about a judge, but we have seen this movie time and time again from her, where every time she goes wildly outside of the law,” she added. “I mean, her her rulings are lawless. She has defied 150 years of precedent in saying that the special counsel was improperly appointed. I mean all of her rulings in this case were so outside the bounds of law and always in Donald Trump’s favor so at some point, you need to call a spade a spade and you need to say something else is afoot here.”
Co-host Steele added, “She’s in the tank and she has been for day one and it’s unfortunate because she is a stain on the entire judiciary. She’s not credible in the role that she plays, and it’s unfortunate that we find ourselves subject to this neophyte judge who doesn’t even know the rules of precedent and procedure. And so from, from that standpoint, I’m of the view I don’t care how you release it, just get the damn thing released. because we have we have nickle and dimed around this. [Attorney General] Merrick Garland has been wholly useless in this process.”