Junior In Legal Trouble. One Of 50 Birds He Slaughtered For $hits and Giggles Was A Protected Species

Australia doesn’t like Donald Trump, Jr. 17,000 people signed a petition to keep him out of the country. Now the Italians are not too crazy about him. Junior was in Italy with his new girlfriend over the holidays, showing what a he-man he is by killing dozens of ducks. Unfortunately for him, there is killing ducks and then there is being in a protected area illegally and killing a protected species — which is what he’s legally accused of. Naturally, legal distinctions don’t matter to a Trump.
But they mattered to Italian Green Party politician Andrea Zanoni. He [I’m told it is a he] filed a complaint with a court in Italy accusing Junior of illegally killing an endangered Ruddy Shelduck bird near Venice. That got the ball rolling and then local environmentalists and Italian MPs joined the formal complaint and now Junior is under investigation. What a world class asshole — but he comes by it naturally.
The Daily Mail has a video up with their story about Junior slaughtering ducks. “He got about 50,” one of his companions exclaimed. What in the world is the reason to shoot 50 birds? Did they eat all 50 birds? Or, it was just the “thrill” of killing something? I can understand hunting for sport if you eat the meat. I grew up in Colorado and knew people who hunted deer and ate the deer.
There are facilities that will butcher and store deer meat. Same with ducks. People would hunt and bring home the duck and roast it. I don’t fault that. But slaughtering over four dozen ducks — and then bragging about it? This is “admirable” why now?
In the almost six-minute footage, shot just before Christmas Don Jr is seen popping out of a foxhole – in his camouflage gear – shooting at the ducks with several falling from the sky.
He is joined by a group of half a dozen other men who are enjoying their time in the marshes of north-eastern Italy.
One participant in the hunt says: ‘It was a great duck shoot with a little bit of good eating in Venice,’ and ends with one shooter saying: ‘Don got about 50.’
At one point in the video Don Jr is surrounded by an array of dead birds including an unusual amber coloured duck which he says: ‘Is a rather uncommon bird in the area. I’m not even sure what it is.’
The unidentified duck in question appears to be a Ruddy Shelduck which is a rare species in Europe and is reportedly believed to have a declining population.
Um…maybe you don’t pull the trigger if you don’t know what it is? Ya think?
The video has sparked controversy in Italy with Italian environmentalist and Green party politician Andrea Zanoni accusing Don Jr of breaking a number of laws in the country.
Mr Zanoni, in words reported by Corriere Del Veneto, has claimed that Don Jr killed a protected species without a regular license and also hunted in a conservation area protected by the European Union.
He claimed said the video was filmed recently in the Pierimpie valley south of the city of Venice.
The area is a special conservation area protected by European regulations that is known as the Middle Lower Lagoon of Venice.
He added: ‘Like any foreigner, in Italy he was not allowed to hunt by law. In fact, in our country only residents of one of the Italian regions can hunt.’
‘You need a hunting licence issued by the police headquarters, but above all you need a hunting licence issued only and exclusively to residents of one of the Italian regions, a mandatory document where you can note the date, place of hunting and quantity of animals killed divided by individual species.’
Mr Zanoni has also lodged a complaint to the judiciary because ‘Veneto and Italy are not the property of the USA.’
And that’s the bottom line. Junior is not wanted there because he has no respect for the law, plus the entire world is fed up with the Trumps. We are now the laughingstock of the world. Trump isn’t making America great, he’s disgracing America daily.
A Green member of the Italian parliament has escalated the complaint to the Environment Ministry.
I hope they throw the book at Junior. This is not the first time an endagnered species has been joyously slaughtered by either Junior or his dummy brother. And they’re not Bwana, the Great White Hunter, either. The animals that these goons kill are either caged and brought to them or flushed out of the surroundings by people hired to do that very thing so rich assholes can have whatever gratification comes from this kind of endeavor. There’s something wrong with a guy who can afford to sail, ski, golf, fly, whatever sports are out there, but he gets his kicks by finding something to kill.