Watch: Kamala Harris Asked Dagger Question About Her Border Failure During Humiliating CNN Moment

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Imagine the hatred that Democratic voters must feel in order to believe the obvious lies their appointed leaders tell them.
On Thursday, for instance, more than six weeks after the party’s coup against President Joe Biden elevated her to the top of the presidential ticket, Vice President Kamala Harris finally sat down for her first interview as the Democratic Party’s nominee.
When CNN’s Dana Bash asked the most obvious question about the Biden-Harris administration’s catastrophic decision not to secure America’s southern border, the vice president’s response showed not only why her handlers have kept her largely hidden from public view but also the depth of dishonesty she knows her supporters will tolerate.
“During the Biden-Harris administration there were record numbers of illegal border crossings,” Bash said in a clip posted to the social media platform X.
Then came the question to which no Democrat has a good answer.
“Why did the Biden-Harris administration wait three-and-a-half years to implement sweeping asylum restrictions?” Bash asked.
The answer is that the globalist establishment needs open borders. Democrats, the party of the globalist establishment, also want new voters. Even establishment Republicans will not turn down the cheap labor that comes with open borders. And the Biden-Harris administration works for the establishment.
Harris, of course, can admit none of those things publicly.
Thus, the vice president had to lie.
First, she spent about 20 seconds touting her efforts as “border czar” to address the “root causes” of migration from northern Central America. Incredibly, she celebrated “historic investments by American businesses in that region.”
What exactly that has to do with illegal border crossings, she did not say.
Then, to satisfy her voters’ insatiable appetite for lies about former President Donald Trump, Harris cited the so-called “bipartisan” border bill that the U.S. Senate narrowly defeated in February.
“A bill was crafted, which we supported, which I support, and Donald Trump got word of this bill that would have contributed to securing our border, and because he believes that it would not have helped him politically, he told his folks in Congress, ‘Don’t put it forward.’ He killed the bill,” the vice president said,
Democrats buy time for themselves by forcing their opponents to expend energy debunking absurd hoaxes.
At this point, no honest person can refer to that so-called “border” bill as “bipartisan” in any meaningful way. Nor could an honest person conclude that the bill amounted to anything more than an election-year stunt by establishment legislators. It would have allowed thousands of migrant crossings per day, thereby legalizing the Biden administration’s open-border crime. No one who believes in actual border security could support such a thing.
But Harris’s response had additional problems.
Note, for instance, that she did not answer Bash’s actual question. Why did the administration wait three-and-a-half years to do anything about the border invasion? The vice president did not explain the delay.
In fact, in the answer she did give, she contradicted herself. After all, if her work addressing “root causes” had proven so successful, then why would we need a border bill?
Furthermore, the question itself was so obvious that even a CNN interviewer had to ask it. To her credit, Bash did not ask about Harris’s alleged achievements as “border czar” but about the administration’s unconscionable inactivity.
Again, the vice president had no answer except to ignore the specific question about delay and then feed her supporters what they really crave: another lie about Trump.
Alas, as ignorant as Harris obviously is, her willfully ignorant voters are worse, for they cannot justify believing her answer on any grounds other than their blind hatred for the former president.