Ketchup Hurricane Forecast For WH – Gallup Released Trump Approval Rating

Photo Courtesy: Getty Images.
Pay no attention to a fleet of large vehicles rushing to the WH this evening. It will be nothing more than the specially trained cleanup crews that will have to deal with the Ketchup Hurricane that will take place when Trump learns the results of Gallup Poll regarding his approval rating.
Yep, it might not be as bad as four years ago BUT it’s only a few points better than the historic low he set four years ago. Worse, like the popular vote he couldn’t even crack the fifty percent barrier so this is the second lowest initial Presidential approval rating in Gallup’s history.
However, as reported by The Guardian it’s official. Less than half of Americans approve of Trump so far. I recall noting either earlier today or yesterday a poll that showed him having lost ground between the day he was sworn in and mid-week this week but still being above 50%. Now that I think about it the polling outfit wasn’t cited. Rasmussesn perhaps?
They are the best known of the right wing leaning major polling outfits. No matter. Gallup has always been the Gold Standard. They didn’t go rushing to get out a “snap” early polling number. No, they waited until the ink dried on all those Executive Orders before going to work. Doing the careful work the way they always have. Carefully crafting questions to reduce bias in responses. Creating a solid sample of the electorate to poll. They take their time and put in the work to get it right.
And Trumpty knows it. That’s the part that will eat him up inside. Even though the steak on his dinner plate will be dead he stab and saw on that burst hunk of meat like it’s his worst enemy. Maybe he’ll choke on a half-masticated piece and put himself, the country and the world out of its misery? We aren’t that lucky.
The Secret Service probably has some seven foot tall guy who’s arms are freakishly long even for him (as my own are for a 6’4″ guy) always standing by to give Trump’s fat gut a Heimlich squeeze. Well, I have to admit that I’m enjoying knowing Trumpty WON’T enjoy his dinner. Or the huge slice of “Beautiful Chocolate Cake” and his TWO scoops of ice cream. Not tonight. The linked article begins by pointing out he’s historically unpopular for brand new Presidents. Then it talks actual numbers:
“At 47%, President Donald Trump’s initial job approval rating for his second term is similar to the inaugural 45% reading during his first term, again placing him below all other elected presidents dating back to 1953,” wrote Megan Brenan, a senior editor for Gallup, which carried out the poll.
“Trump remains the only elected president with sub-50% initial approval ratings, and his latest disapproval rating (48%) is three percentage points higher than in 2017.”
Fun as it is to read that The Guardian, thanks to Gallup has even more. Keep in mind Trump’s obsession with his image and polling. He CRAVES being better than anyone else. Short as his attention span is you just know he’s looked at his predecessors going back pretty much since he was old enough to remember. He’s seen the numbers on the page that tell him he doesn’t measure up.
Not to a single one of them! Trumpty is an idiot and his brain is clearly rotting but certain things are seared into it and I’m willing to bet the poll numbers of his predecessors compared to his are something he can’t erase from his thoughts! Just so YOU know, here’s what will have Trump alternately whining (FAKE POLLS!), stomping around, screaming at anyone in sight and yes, throwing ketchup bottles:
John F Kennedy remains the most popular modern president at the start of his term, according to Gallup polling. In the first month of his presidency, in 1961, the Democrat enjoyed 72% approval and just 6% disapproval.
Dwight Eisenhower (1953) and Barack Obama (2009) enjoyed the next-highest approval ratings, at 68%. Jimmy Carter, who died last month aged 100, scored 66% approval in February 1977, at the start of his single term in office.
JFK is at the top but the number that just KILLS Trump’s ego is Obama sharing second place with Eisenhower at 68%. Even Biden had 57% four years ago. Trump had a bad first week overall. This one’s not going any better. He had to suffer the humiliation of reversing himself on a major new initiative – cutting off the flow of federal funds that have been allocated only to have to reauthorize them a day later. Nominees for top cabinet posts getting raked over the coals in the Senate”.
And now this. THIS, his polling numbers really hits Trump where he lives and his numbers already suck! Deep down inside in the places he doesn’t want to admit are there he knows it will get worse. Sure, catering to Musk and others will make him richer than he ever dreamed but remember the old Trump at his rallies. Those adoring crowds were his version of a ‘crack high.’
And, as they say about taking the first hit of crack you’ve never experienced something so awesome and will spend the rest of your life trying to experience the exact same feeling again. And fail. If you gave Trump a choice between being worth forty or fifty billion dollars (or more) and only being worth a billion OR having not just the old group of adoring MAGAs but 80-90% approval ratings I swear he’d choose the latter.
That will never be the case and tonight Trump has a bitter pill to swallow. I say SUCK ON IT A$$HOLE!