Lara Stops Eric From Embarrassing Himself In Public, This Is A Scream


This is comical. The Eric and Lara Trump marriage shows signs of being an odd one. I’m sure you’ve seen the video where Lara is putting on her makeup and Eric stands behind her with a container of makeup brushes and she instructs him which brush to hand her next. Why, you ask, doesn’t she just have the freaking container next to her and pick out the brush she wants? Nobody has that answer.

I have known many actors in my life, of both genders, and even with that group of people, there’s no way a woman is making up and using her husband as handmaiden. Not that I have seen seen. If you haven’t seen Eric Trump play Charmian to his wife’s Cleopatra you are missing something. I’ll post the video below for those that haven’t been cursed blessed to see it. But for now, this is the Eric/Lara moment that you need to watch.

Now it’s also the hand sign for vulva. Maybe that’s what Eric was thinking of, ya spose?

You tell me and then we’ll both know. Another thought is that Eric’s autistic and he was stimming. Stimming is a word that means a repetitive body movement that helps people manage emotions and cope with overwhelming situations. Or, he might just have been thinking about pussy, who knows? I’m a big believer in Occam’s Razor.

Different schools of thought, as you can see. In all events, it did look geeky and Lara told him to stop it for some reason. I wonder if Lara has him call her Mamacita as Kimberly was called by Junior? Or does he call her Mother, ala Mike Pence? We will never know.

I hope Eric doesn’t want people to look at his vagina. Daddy just turned Kaitlyn Jenner back into a man with the stroke of a pen. Think what he might do to Eric with another pen stroke. Or any of us, for that matter. We live in strange times to say the least. Here is the link to Facebook where Eric hands Lara makeup brushes. It’s a little too Norma Desmond for my tastes. But you decide.

What is truly comical is that the only way Lara got any power was to marry into this batshit family. But if you saw this video and didn’t know the players, you would swear that she was to the manor born and he was the one who “married up.”

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