Legal actions are worthless? ABSOLUTE. IMMUNITY.

Photo: Isaac Brekken/Getty Images
Gotta get people gone. Control, control, control. Mine, all mine. Do as I say. Jobless. Random firings. No reason(s) given. What the hell. My decisions. Get gone. My choices. Say goodbye.
tRump has been busy with firing all these people so as to put his minions in. There are legal constraints that require due process through laws. But he’s completely oblivious, or so it seems, wrapped around these firings to get people out.
Why? Is there a greater end game or is he truly unconcerned? It doesn’t matter to him because he’s the President and absolute immunity. ABSOLUTE. IMMUNITY. *That* is why he’s not worried. He can do any damn thing he wants to. Thank you, SCOTUS. Oh, lordy the thought of him wrecking our country is horrifying.
We’re only getting hints of what this is going to turn into. Just hints. But I would bet that it’s just going to get worse and worse. I’m hoping it doesn’t mean we are going to have to be barricaded inside the apartment and hope our food lasts until the next battle is done and we can possibly get to the stores. They’re going to have to protect themselves if the country goes nuts, too. And yes, I’m serious.
What are the chances of a class action suit against the government. Since it’s not *specifically* Trump that is doing things (hi, Elon) would there be any chance of something like this? Sure, he doesn’t take a hit for it, but against the *government*? I guess it might depend on how tough a lawyer you can find and the money for the tough lawyer you’ll need?
Maybe things won’t be quite as bad as I was imagining. Maybe. We might not be able to get to DonOld and his gazillions (or Elon with even more gazillions) but there will be other factors at play that *don’t* involve the Mango Mandarin directly. I was getting nervous thinking about all the possible things he could do and the legal system couldn’t touch him.
Of course. that’s a pretty long list of what he could do but there’s not yet a list of what he can’t do. I hope there is one. So the question still remains – is he completely free of legal backlash? I don’t know quite enough about law to be sure but we can guess together. He’s shredding our government into pieces and there are no guardrails on him. He can say what he wants.
And lordy, all the Executive Orders he’s signing and putting out there! I’m surprised he has time to do anything except sign the EOs. Ha, and I’m surprised he hasn’t complained about writer’s cramp. That would be so perfect if he did. Whine, whine, whine. The Confused Carrot is good at that but then he’s had lots of practice! “If you’re not with me, you’re against me.”
We all know which one we’d rather be! If we could just get all the apathetic voters to think that way then we might be able to build something to push against the Mango Mandarin and the GOP and we’re not gonna take it. It’s challenging pushing against the current status quo but again, it means waking up the people who are resigned to our country being in hell and possibly staying in hell. It’s hot down there. I’d rather not.