Meghan Markle cutting people dead in LA: ‘They feel played by her’


Meghan Markle has been called out for her pattern of cutting off former friends and distancing herself when relationships turn sour. British socialite Lizzie Cundy, once a friend of the Duchess, made these remarks during an interview with The Mail, reflecting on how Meghan’s behavior has impacted those around her.

Cundy noted, “There wasn’t a great deal of warmth from people when she arrived” at a charity gala for the California Children’s Hospital. She also observed that Meghan’s brief appearance seemed more for the spotlight than genuine engagement. “She wasn’t there long – she seemed to be there for the photographs. Meghan needs LA more than LA needs her. LA people feel they’ve been played by her,” Cundy remarked, pointing to the perception that Meghan’s interactions may lack authenticity.

Cundy went on to recount her own experience with Meghan, recalling how she was ghosted by the Duchess once Meghan’s engagement to Prince Harry became public. “She ghosted me once the engagement hit. She’s ghosted quite a lot of people, obviously, including her family, so I’m not the worst person she’s ghosted,” Cundy shared, suggesting that Meghan’s habit of cutting ties with people extends beyond her circle of friends.

Royal author Ingrid Seward also weighed in, agreeing with Cundy’s assessment of Meghan’s behavior. Seward told The Sun, “Well, I think that Meghan has managed to alienate a lot of her former friends. She does something which is very distressing for people. She actually sort of just cuts them dead and ghosts them, as it’s called.”

Seward went on to describe Meghan’s tendency to distance herself from people who upset her. “To me, it’s just called cutting them dead and not wanting to see them anymore. And if they upset her, that’s what she does and it’s very difficult to deal with somebody like that. I think that people are just fed up with Meghan.”

As Meghan continues to navigate life in the public eye, it seems that more of her former friends are speaking out about feeling abandoned by her. Seward summed up the growing sentiment, saying, “The point is that people are starting to be actually, you know, speak out about being unhappy with the way that Meghan is.”

With these public criticisms coming from both former friends and royal insiders, Meghan’s reputation for ghosting those around her may become an increasingly talked-about topic.

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