‘Mind-Blowing!’ Don Jr. Celebrates ‘Definitive Proof’ of Alien Intelligence

He may be a hard-liner on immigration, but Donald Trump Jr. appeared ecstatic about the possibility of aliens — from outer space, at least.
The president-elect’s namesake has been fascinated with extraterrestrials for some time, and he welcomed some of the UFO/UAP experts onto his ” Triggered ” podcast this week.
Australian journalist Ross Coulthart has spoken to everyone from Congress to “60 Minutes,” and now the “first son,” Trump Jr., who could persuade his father to reveal all the U.S. government knows on the topic — if anything — to the American people.
The Daily Beast cited Coulthart’s upcoming broadcast on News Nation , which is poised to unveil a secret government effort to retrieve crashed vehicles — including allegedly some of non-human origin.
“What is going on is there are people in the national security state who have taken it upon themselves to conceal the expenditure of billions if not trillions of dollars on a program that the public has every right to know about,” Coulthart complained.
The Beast report described Trump Jr. as “bouncing in his seat, so giddy” that he “appeared to confirm he believes in aliens.”
“None of this should surprise all of us, but it should surprise us that we can now say fairly definitively it seems that there’s evidence of non-human intelligence out there engaging with our planet,” said Trump Jr. on the Rumble broadcast. “It’s also almost so shocking. It’s hard to digest. I mean, this would be one of the biggest questions perhaps of eternity.”
The excitement provoked Coulthart to question whether Trump Jr. was an “experiencer,” meaning he had personal knowledge of alien abduction.
Trump Jr. denied the notion.
“Not really. I wish. You know, uh, as a pilot, I’ve seen some stuff. I’ve spent a lot of time in the air, but I’ve not yet experienced the phenomenon directly.”
Trump Jr. suggested people “like Elon Musk” should be allowed to join a secretive cabal of deep-state allies that keep secrets from the American public.
“Obviously I’ve spent a lot more time with Elon Musk in the last few months during the transition. I’ve been down to see SpaceX launch and the technology that he’s been able to create. You would think that they’d want to read in individuals like that,” he said.
“Obviously, they’d have to go through whatever clearance processes, but wouldn’t we want to allow perhaps our greatest geniuses? I’m sure him (sic) and his top scientists are probably far more competent than anyone we have in government as it relates to propulsion systems, et cetera, et cetera,” continued Trump Jr.
Coulthart encouraged Trump Jr. to talk to his father about the conspiracy of a government cover-up.
“I’m working on it. We’re working on it. Promise,” he said.