Moses Mikey Johnson Does NOT Want Cassidy Hutchinson Subpoenaed

Trump’s first week was every bit the fire hose of nonsense and shiite we expected. Worse even. So much “WHAT?” it was impossible to keep up with even the big stuff. However there was lots of smaller stuff for us junkies to look for. One of them was a blurb about Speaker Johnson wanting a Committee to ‘go after’ the J6 Committee.
Ok, we expected he’d want to keep Trump happy and appease him with that type of thing. What caught my eye however was a mention about Johnson not wanting said committee to go issuing a subpoena for Cassidy Hutchinson.
She was a devastating witness against Trump after all. She’ll have to look over her shoulder for the rest of her life in fact. I can see why Johnson wouldn’t want her sitting at the witness table on TV again. Or even in a private hearing. I didn’t think much of it then, figuring his new Committee would heed his wishes. However earlier this afternoon I’m seeing this matter in the news. STILL. Hmmmmm.
According to Alternet this might be a bigger freaking thing than I thought. A strong Speaker could have a private word with the chair of a Committee and the matter would be settled. If not dropping in on his or her Party’s members to lay down some law would definitely do the trick.
However that doesn’t seem to be the case here. It’s still an open issue and at least some journalists are paying attention. You should to. If Johnson can’t get his people in line this could turn into a ‘bigly’ embarrassing mess for some in the GOP.
Who? Well, we don’t know yet. However if news is out that Johnson is worried I’d say he’s got a good idea and he’s getting pressure to keep things bottled up. And HE sees the way to do so as leaving Cassidy Hutchinson well out of whatever his new Committee explores.
So you’re probably asking ‘what’s Johnson afraid of?’ Fair enough. It starts with the Chair of this bogus (in purpose) Committee wanting to involve Hutchinson. It seems Rep. Barry Loudermilk, a Republican from Georgia wants to issue subpoena to Hutchinson.
That makes sense on a certain level. It forces her to if nothing else waste more money on lawyer expenses – a bit of retribution to make Trumpty smile. It also is a pure fishing expedition but it’s more like trawling in unfamiliar waters and you never know what might come up in the net.
The idea is to obtain digital communications that might implicate Trump rivals like former Rep. Liz Cheney of wrongdoing. Good luck with that dude. However as the linked Alternet article explains such a subpoena might well turn up things some (many?) would rather leave on the ocean floor:
But according to the Washington Post, House Speaker Mike Johnson’s (R-Louisiana) staff is warning aides to Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-Georgia) that subpoenaing Hutchinson could bring to light “embarrassing information” and sexually explicit texts she allegedly received when she was working in the White House during Trump’s first presidency.
The Daily Beast’s Josh Fiallo reports, “Trump’s return to power has Republicans clamoring to seek retribution against political foes who probed Trump, his advisers, and his supporters about the infamous day. Sordid texts supposedly sent to Hutchinson appear to have thrown a wrench in at least a portion of those plans, however.”
As I said earlier “Hmmmmm.” Whatever her political views (which remain conservative although she’s got NO use for Trump or his enablers anymore) Cassidy Hutchinson is bright, capable and articulate. And while I might get criticized for noting it a strikingly attractive woman. I don’t doubt for a second people coming and going from Mark Meadows’ office or who worked in the West Wing hit on her every day.
It stands to reason, especially in GOP circles that some would do so in inappropriate ways. Or get mean or nasty when politely told ‘no thanks.’ Mix in sexually inappropriate or downright harassing comments with texts and emails to Meadows routed through Hutchinson and yeah, I can see why some folks might be nervous enough to be pleading with Johnson to shut down THIS particular line of inquiry!
The J6 Committee put on a master class in how to hold a series of tightly focused hearings. There was a LOT of information at their disposal they didn’t have time to enter into the record. As for some of these things Johnson is clearly worried about the J6 Committee might not have much of it. Even if they did using it in their hearings or making a BFD about various GOP bigwigs being sexist a-holes would have been a distraction.
How however it’s a different ballgame. Democrats can and should make all that material public if Loudermilk gets his way. Johnson’s afraid of exactly that. So he’s trying to keep the lid tightly closed but it looks like he doesn’t command the respect or fear needed to do so. Johnson it seems knows things we don’t and is trying to convince some his folks with a “Be careful what you wish for” argument. It doesn’t seem to be working.
This is one of those “put a pin in this” matters. For now it’s not a “thing” BUT it could blow up into a very big one. So if this new Committee does subpoena Hutchinson’s digital records be ready for a true Trumpian sh*t-show. Another GOP circular firing squad. We need all the weapons we can get for the next couple of years and them hurting each other is one we should do all we can to exploit.