Pete Hegseth Launches Vicious Vendetta Against General Mark Milley

Tell me we aren’t living in a dictatorship right now. Pete Hegseth has been on the job for two days and he’s already going after Trump’s “enemies” starting with General Mark Milley. Milley has now been stripped of his security clearance and personal security detail.
Hegseth will also direct a review to consider if Milley should be stripped of a star in retirement based on actions that “undermine the chain of command,” Fox News (America’s Pravda) reported on Tuesday per Reuters.
The last portrait of Milley will also be removed from the Pentagon, Fox News reported. Milley was among the preemptive pardons that former President Joe Biden issued on Jan. 20, his last day in office.
Thank God Joe Biden did the pardons. He saw the dark waters that we are in with clarity. Things would be a lot worse but for President Biden being proactive.
Plus Hegseth, who isn’t fit to wipe General Milley’s boots, is directing the new acting Inspector General to convene a review board for the purpose of determining if enough evidence exists for Gen. Milley to be stripped of a star in retirement based on his actions to “undermine the chain of command” during Trumpty’s first term, Fox News goes on to report.
The now retired Gen. Milley and other former senior Trump aides had been assigned personal security details ever since Iran vowed revenge for the killing of Qasem Soleimani in a drone strike in 2020 ordered by Trump in his first term.
On “Fox News Sunday,” the chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Tom Cotton said he hoped President Trump would “revisit” the decision to pull the protective security details from John Bolton, Mike Pompeo and Brian Hook who previously served under Trump.
Asked why these actions were being taken, a senior administration official who requested anonymity replied, “There is a new era of accountability in the Defense Department under President Trump’s leadership—and that’s exactly what the American people expect.” […]
In his new book “War,” Bob Woodward writes Gen. Milley told him at a reception at the Willard Hotel in Washington, D.C. on March 6, 2023, that he believed Trump was “fascist to the core!”
And now Trump is proving the man right, fancy that? Also remember that Gen. Milley may have averted WWIII by calling his Chinese counterpart on two occasions in the final months of Trump’s first term, assuring him the U.S. military had no plans to strike China.
This was necessary because Trump was running his mouth and saber rattling, as usual. The Chinese general found Milley to be credible and took him at his word. Had he not, who knows what would have happened?
So what’s next, Trump will get generals “like Hitler had?” We know that’s his wish. I cannot believe that this day has dawned in the United States of America but here we are. Here we are.