Petty, Petty Trump. Gen. Milley’s Portrait Taken Down from Pentagon Wall.

Photo: Isaac Brekken/Getty Images
Not clear at this moment whether Trump ordered this already or if it is just a case of anticipatory compliance by some coward in the chain of command but CBS News is reporting that General Mark Milley’s portrait – which was installed in the Pentagon just 10 days ago – has, in the last couple of hours, been unceremoniously removed from its spot in a Pentagon Hallway:
While we do not yet know what circumstances led to the portrait’s demotion these details about the composition of the work (which are typically requested by the subject), provided by reporter Natasha Bertrand, might provide a clue as to who else Milley might have offended:
Yeah, Milley might have teed off T-Rump by calling him an unstable fascist, but if you really want to see the Quislings in the Government snap to attention and take action you have to insult HIS boss by highlighting your role in helping Ukraine in your official portrait.
I would post some Twitter commentary on this post but it’s mostly MagHat trolls calling Milley a traitor. Speaking of traitors, here’s Elon Muskrat earlier today celebrating today’s elevation of his vassal Trump to the Residency: