Former Representative Sends a Scathing Warning To Americans, Reveals Who Should Replace Biden

by Jessica

According to a report by NewsMax on Tuesday, July 2, 2024, former Representative Tim Ryan of Ohio has called for Vice President Kamala Harris to replace President Joe Biden as the Democratic Party’s presumptive presidential nominee for the 2024 general election.

Ryan, who was a Democratic presidential candidate in 2020 and a longtime congressman, voiced his concerns following what he described as a “disastrous” debate performance by Biden against former President Donald Trump last week.

Ryan’s call for change comes after Biden’s performance in the first presidential debate, which Ryan found deeply troubling.

“Joe Biden’s debate performance was deeply troubling,” Ryan wrote in a Newsweek opinion piece.

“But it isn’t just about a 90-minute debate and a terrible performance.

This election needs to be about generational change—something about which I have been shouting for more than a year now.”

The sentiment for change is not isolated.

A Suffolk University/USA Today survey released Monday indicated that nearly one-third of voters are now more inclined to support Trump following the debate.

Additionally, most respondents in the survey believe that Democrats should consider replacing Biden as the party’s nominee.

Ryan’s opinion aligns with a growing chorus within the Democratic Party that is advocating for new leadership.

“I ran for President in 2020. I was the first Presidential candidate to endorse Joe Biden in 2020.

I love America.

I love our Party.

I love Joe Biden,” Ryan wrote.

“The Democratic Nominee in 2024 should be Kamala Harris.”

This statement underscores his deep reflection and personal struggle over the decision.

“I supported Joe because I believe he is a good and honorable man.

I’m still very happy with my decision,” Ryan added.

“He is the most pro-union, pro-manufacturing president in my lifetime.

He understands the working class people—regardless of race or gender—that I represented in my Northeast Ohio Congressional District for 20 years.”

Ryan’s call for Harris to replace Biden marks a significant moment in the 2024 election cycle, reflecting broader concerns about Biden’s capacity to lead.

At 81 years old, Biden’s age and recent performance have become focal points of criticism.

Ryan’s argument for generational change emphasizes the need for the Democratic Party to present a dynamic and forward-looking candidate to face the challenges of the upcoming election.

Ryan’s support for Harris is rooted in his belief that she embodies the necessary qualities to lead the party and the nation.

As the first woman, first Black, and first South Asian Vice President, Harris represents a historic and progressive choice.

Her experience as a senator and her tenure as Vice President have positioned her as a prominent figure within the party, capable of steering the country through its current challenges.

The push for Harris is also seen as a strategic move to galvanize the Democratic base and appeal to a broader electorate.

Harris’s diverse background and her focus on key issues such as social justice, healthcare, and economic inequality resonate with many voters who are seeking substantial change.

Her leadership could potentially energize younger voters and marginalized communities, which are crucial demographics for the Democratic Party.

Ryan’s call to action is not without its critics.

Some within the party argue that Biden’s track record, including his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, economic recovery efforts, and legislative achievements, should not be overshadowed by a single debate performance.

They contend that Biden’s experience and steady leadership are vital in navigating the complex political landscape and ensuring stability.

As the Democratic Party navigates this critical juncture, the voices calling for change, like Ryan’s, highlight the broader debate about the party’s identity and future.

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