“Salon Goes Wild, Claims Trump Is Planning to Transform America into a ‘Fourth Reich’—Is This the Most Outrageous Prediction Yet?”


Photo: Rebecca Noble/Getty Images

It appears Salon’s Chauncey DeVega is setting the stage for another assassination attempt.
The foreign-owned blog Salon has a reputation for publishing fake news and leftist rage fantasies.

It was, therefore, par for the course when in the wake of the Oct. 7 terrorist attacks on Israel, Salon ran a piece suggesting that the Republican Party and Hamas are “both terrorist groups — it’s just a matter of degree.”

Salon went further off the deep end this week, making clear with an unhinged article Thursday that it would not be outdone in absurdity by the Washington Post, which told its readers not to “scoff at the Hitler comparisons” made against former President Donald Trump.

Salon’s politics blogger Chauncey DeVega claimed that “Trump and his surrogates are continuing to channel and amplify Nazism and Adolf Hitler” in an effort to “turn America into a type of Fourth Reich,” complete with a “concentration camp system.”

DeVega, a critic of the right-wing media’s supposed radicalization of white men, claimed that Trump is channeling the identitarian socialists of yesteryear by bemoaning the rape of American girls by illegal aliens; by planning to deport noncitizen criminals and terrorists; by suggesting that migrants from a failed state where cannibalism has been documented may be eating local pets; and by planning to ban mortgages for illegal aliens.

DeVega — who appears keen to furnish fellow travelers and potential would-be assassins with more hate-fuel less than two weeks after the most recent Democratic apparent attempt on Trump’s life — further accused the Republican president of white supremacy, misogyny, and anti-Semitism.

This last allegation in particular might surprise Trump’s Jewish family members and supporters as well as the beneficiaries of his recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and his multiple efforts to broker peace agreements between Israel and Muslim nations.

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