“Terrifying Reality: Some Americans Are Living in Trump’s ‘Purge’ Nightmare!”

Photo: Rebecca Noble/Getty Images
After Donald Trump floated the idea that police be given “one really violent day” to combat retail crime at a rally in Pennsylvania Sunday, many commentators have compared the idea to the dystopian horror film The Purge.
And while a Trump campaign official told Politico that Trump was “clearly just floating [the idea] in jest,” The New Abnormal co-host Danielle Moodie isn’t laughing.
“Black people in America and Indigenous people in America already know what the f–k The Purge looks like because it has happened time and time again. For folks who want to compare this to a horror movie, it’s not a horror movie. It is very real American history that continues to be swept under the rug as if people can’t imagine the horrors that people have done at the hands of white supremacy.”
Moodie added that when she heard Trump’s comments, “I didn’t chuckle as some people did on social media. I didn’t shrug and just say, ‘Oh, he sounds insane.’ He sounded like Bull Connor. He sounded like every other racist who was in a position of power to actualize their white supremacist fantasies. That’s what that was like to me.”
Plus! The Stanford Constitutional Law Center’s Matthew Seligman joins co-host Andy Levy ahead of the vice presidential debate to explain why things JD Vance has said about the vice president’s role in certifying election results are not just factually wrong, but extremely dangerous as well.
Then, Edith Olmsted, associate writer for The New Republic and previously a breaking news intern for the Daily Beast, is here to tell us all about her recent piece, “Trump’s Idiot Son Feels ‘Totally Vindicated’ Over J.D. Vance Pick.”