The Latest On the “Condom Bombs”

Photo Credit: Getty Images/AFP.
This story is going around the world right now because it’s so utterly banana crackers batshit — but that’s the new abnormal here in the states with Trump back in office. Trump 2.0 can be distilled down to a couple of agenda items: 1. Demonize immigrants and prepare concentration camps for them; 2. Blame all the troubles of the world on DEI; 3.
Attempt to upend the finances of government to root out “waste.” Waste, in TrumpSpeak, is anything Elon Musk says it is, and he should know, considering how many cars, rockets, what have you have simply blown up. Oh wait, we call that an “unscheduled disassembly.”
So if you missed this the other day, the world did not. This is the head of the most powerful nation on earth — at least that used to be the case, but probably we won’t rank that high when Trump is done with his wrecking ball — talking sheer gibberish about condoms and bombs, and how you make one into the other. (?!)
Orange Trump is the stupidest person on the planet .
Condoms are used in making bombs! Imagine that this is a statement by the most powerful country in the world, fooling the world.
Anybody ready for a jolt of reality here? The stupidest remark made by any American president, ever, is completely made up. Quelle surprise.
In response to a request for comment, a State Department official told Mother Jones on condition of anonymity that the “Trump administration stopped two $50 million buckets of ‘aid’ for Gaza via the International Medical Corp [sic].” The official said some of this money would have gone to family planning “including emergency contraception; Sexual healthcare including prevention and management of sexually transmitted infections (STIs); and Adolescent sexual and reproductive health.” The official added that “Condoms have traditionally always been used for family planning in developing countries by USAID.”
To summarize: Funding was set to go to Gaza to assist International Medical Corps, some unspecified portion of it was for family planning and contraceptives, and condoms are “traditionally always” part of that. That is radically different from what Leavitt said Tuesday. And it does not appear to be true, either. International Medical Corps said in a press release, “No US government funding was used to procure or distribute condoms, nor to provide family-planning services.”
It also is not correct that condoms are “traditionally always” distributed to support US government reproductive health programs, particularly in the Middle East. A report from the US Agency for International Development covering the 2023 fiscal year stated that the agency has not provided any funding for condoms in the Middle East in recent years. (As CNN and the Guardian have made clear, the only contraceptive funding for the region was less than $50,000 that went to Jordan for oral and injectable birth control.)
Leavitt’s claim also leads to preposterous conclusions. Glenn Kessler of the Washington Post showed that the United States has spent 3.3 cents per condom on average in recent years. For Leavitt to be right, USAID would have been planning to send more than 1.5 billion condoms to Gaza. That works out to more than 700 condoms per person there.
Look, we all need 700 condoms, right, because you never know. Guys will have to start carrying much bigger wallets to accomodate the 700 condoms. Attache cases will be in vogue like never before. I mean, 1.5 billion condoms is a lot, and that’s in a third world country, so you know that here in America, we’re going to use more and it’s going to be a status symbol how many condoms you own. Maybe Gucci and Louis Vuitton could bring out a line of condom crossbody bags or some such.
The best commentary I have seen on this so far comes from Adam Parmenko’s Substack page.
Note: Howdy, Sexy Patriots! We have much sad and horrible shit to discuss today. But first we want to make fun of a lying fucking idiot for lying about idiotic fucking shit. This is what we’re talking about…
What a fucking idiot! We thought this sounded like total BS so we did some digging. Turns out it wasn’t $50 million for condoms. It was one condom that cost $50 million. And it wasn’t for Gaza. It was for some dude named Gary, and he is very sensitive about his, um, condition. God forbid a mutant like Gary wants to practice some safe sex with the help of the U.S. government. Since when does this country discriminate against dudes who are hung like a blue whale?! Since the guys who are hung like fleas took over?! We see you, Gar-bear! And good for you, bro.
Now is that obviously made up and stupid? Of course! But so is what Trump said so we’re calling it even. Welcome to the dumb times. Y’all have a blessed day.
This is the president of our republic, folks. You may have read where Benjamin Franklin was asked, “What kind of a country will this be?” And Franklin replied, “A republic. If you can keep it.” I wonder what Franklin would say today?