“Trump’s Bizarre Rant: Claims Kim Jong Un Is Out to Kill Him and Goes Off on ‘Water-Free Bathrooms’!”

Photo Credit : Dinner ,Saul Loeb
No one has ever accused Donald Trump of being a gifted orator, speaking in a way that people can follow, or even knowing how to pronounce basic words. But during a series of remarks on Tuesday, the lack of facility with the English language, inability to keep world leaders straight, and bizarre, unhinged claims re: people who supposedly wish him dead were notable even for him—and especially for a guy who is asking voters to give him a second term in the most powerful office in the world.
Speaking at a pair of events in Wisconsin, the ex-president confused Iran with North Korea—two very different places—and then claimed North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un—for whom he normally has disturbingly kind words—is “trying to kill” him.
He also confused Iran with Iraq while downplaying traumatic brain injuries suffered by US troops as a result of an Iranian missile attack on the Ain al-Asad air base in 2020.
Elsewhere during the remarks—many of which came during an event that was supposed to focus on education—Trump:
- Expressed surprise at the timing of Hurricane Helene, despite the fact that hurricane season runs through the end of November
- Claimed that “Kamala [Harris] and the radical-left Democratic Party want to keep Black and Hispanic children trapped in family government”
- Described the deadly conflict between Israel and Iran as “two kids fighting in the schoolyard”
- Called attacks by Afghanistan on coalition forces “blue on brown and brown on blue,” though they are known within NATO as “green on blue”
- Went on a long aside about the movie Full Metal Jacket
- Falsely claimed that Harris raised taxes while serving as the San Francisco district attorney, which is not something the San Francisco district attorney has the power to do
- Spoke about immigrants from the Congo in Africa: “They come from, from the Congo in Africa. Many people from the Congo. I don’t know what that is.”
When he did choose to speak about education, he had this to say, per The Washington Post:
Trump elaborated on his proposal to eliminate the Department of Education by describing what he envisioned the agency would look like: “I think you will have like one person plus a secretary. You’ll have a secretary. The secretary will have one person plus a secretary. And all the person has to do is: Are you teaching English? Are you teaching arithmetic? What are you doing? Reading, writing, and arithmetic. And are you not teaching woke? Not teaching woke is a very big factor. But we’ll have a very small staff.”
Also on Tuesday, the former president claimed that supporters of the Green New Deal want to tear down every building in Manhattan and replace them with ones without windows, adding that they also want bathrooms without water.
Trump’s Tuesday commentary is, of course, deeply worrisome given that there is a very real chance this man could once again be the leader of the free world. It’s also incredibly rich, as he spent months declaring Joe Biden was not mentally fit to be president, and over the weekend outrageously claimed that Harris was born “mentally impaired.”