Trump Just Cut the Most Damning Clip, If Dems Can Grab It and Run

[Leon Neal/Getty Images]
Let’s make one thing completely clear: Donald Trump, the absolute worst candidate in all of American history, if not world history, only won a second time due to one thing: information control. That is the man’s only gift, is that he knows media and he knows television. He knows how to say the right things and get that opinion bounced around.
He’s not a doer, he’s a talker. He can’t produce a good result but he can bullshit like nobody else. And Democrats HAVE to get on top of the information coming out and fight back. We have to fight fire with fire. Here is a jewel which Trump has just dropped in our laps. Now if there is somebody in control at the DNC who wants to get things rolling and keep them rolling, here’s square one:
This is the clip. And he said a few other colossally stupid things in this same interview, plus he lied like a rug. And NONE of this will be called out in mainstream media because they are all terrified of him. You know all too well the problems that the Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, and CBS are having with owners that toady to Trump and executives that settle lawsuits with Trump rather than antagonize him.
We stand at the crossroads. The truth is out there, it’s right in plain sight, but we need to get it out to the world and either mainstream media has to carry the load or it will be worked around. The information dissemination in this country must go down a different path. Here are a few of the other whoppers in this interview.
Trump then went on to praise Oklahoma because all the counties voted for him. Swell. He may hate California but California is an economic powerhouse and pays more into the federal government than it ever gets paid back. If Oklahoma has to stand on its own during a crisis with tornados, for example, they are SOL. Just minor points that get forgotten. And then there’s this travesty.
There’s a lot more to this insane interview but you’ve gotten the truly awful moments here. As Democrats we need to meet Trump lie for lie. That’s what did not happen during the 2024 campaign. Trump had right-wing media cooking and Democrats were watching Trump make a fool out of himself and thinking that that would be enough.
No. It was not enough. Because the mainstream media didn’t cover what you and I look at everyday as political junkies. It never has. So Trump’s belligerent nonsense gets all the press attention whereas the truth is a tiny voice calling out from the shadows.
And this is the result that is generated. The loudest voice in the room is the one that won this time. And now we have a *government* that is going to be unlike anything we’ve ever seen.