What a Trump Supporter Admitted at Wisconsin Rally That Left Onlookers Stunned


According to a report by HuffPost on Monday, June 24, 2024, a prankster known for engaging with Donald Trump supporters outside the former president’s rallies revealed an unexpected moment at a recent event in Wisconsin.

Jason Selvig, a member of the Good Liars comedy duo, shared his surprising experience during an interview with MSNBC’s Ayman Mohyeldin over the weekend.

“I do wanna say something truly shocking that happened this week at a Trump rally in Wisconsin,” Selvig stated. He and his comedy partner, Davram Stiefler, have long been documenting the array of conspiracy theories propagated at Trump gatherings.

However, this encounter was unlike any other. Selvig recounted, “I talked to a Trump supporter and I said, ‘Who won the 2020 election?’ and they said, ‘Joe Biden won it fair and square.’ And, I kid you not, that was the first time I have ever heard that at a Trump rally. That is how ingrained ‘the big lie’ is with Trump supporters.”

This statement highlights the surprising nature of hearing a Trump supporter acknowledge Biden’s legitimate win, which contrasts sharply with the widespread acceptance of election conspiracy theories among Trump’s base.

The phrase “the big lie” refers to the debunked conspiracy theories about the 2020 election outcome, which have been persistently promoted by Trump and his allies.

These falsehoods have deeply permeated the beliefs of many of his supporters, making Selvig’s encounter particularly notable. Former President Donald Trump’s rally in Wisconsin on Tuesday, June 18, 2024, marked his third visit to the state in 2024 and his first since being convicted on 34 counts in a New York hush money trial.

According to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, this rally was significant not only because of Trump’s legal troubles but also because it took place less than a month before the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee. During the convention, Trump is expected to be formally nominated for president, despite his recent legal challenges.

Despite the upcoming convention, Trump’s previous comments about Milwaukee, where he labeled it a “horrible city,” have drawn sharp criticism from state Democrats. These remarks have added to the already polarized political climate in Wisconsin, a state that played a crucial role in the 2020 election.

The rally was held in Racine, a city located about 30 miles south of Milwaukee. Racine County had a mixed voting record in the 2020 presidential election, with 52% of the votes going to Trump and 47% to Biden.

Selvig’s revelation underscored the persistent hold of these false narratives among Trump’s base. His account was shared in a tweet by Mohyeldin, highlighting the rarity of such admissions within these circles.

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