“Trump’s Latest Anti-Immigrant Rant: 2 Chilling Words That Left Critics Stunned!”

Photo Credit : Brendan Amialowski/Afp/ Getty images
Former President Donald Trump drew fierce backlash this weekend for his latest attack on undocumented immigrants.
Two words in particular prompted outrage on social media: “Bloody story.”
“Getting them out will be a bloody story,” the Republican presidential nominee told a campaign rally in Wisconsin while talking about his mass deportation plan should he beat Democratic rival, Vice President Kamala Harris, in the 2024 election.
“They should never have been allowed to come into our country. Nobody checked them,” Trump continued, before repeating baseless claims that jails have been emptied in other countries to allow suspects and criminals to flood the United States.
Watch the video here:
In David Frum’s latest column for The Atlantic, the former George W. Bush speechwriter doubted Trump’s mass deportation would actually come to fruition but noted how the former president “often fantasizes about unleashing state violence against groups and people he dislikes.”
Other critics on X, formerly Twitter, though, opted to take Trump at his word:
How are we ok with this? How are we sleepwalking into a presidency where the guy is openly promising to be a dictator, terminate the constitution, put the military on the streets, round up his political opponents, & violently deport undocumented immigrants? How media, how?— Mehdi Hasan (@mehdirhasan) September 8, 2024
“Getting them out will be a bloody story.”
The promise of blood being spilled is of course a feature, not a bug, of Trump’s promised immigration policy. https://t.co/bofB0Jhmql— Bill Kristol (@BillKristol) September 8, 2024
Trump uses the word “bloody” to describe what he plans to do to immigrants. Wake up to the looming atrocity.
Stop Donald Trump from ruining our country. https://t.co/hu16rqYju6— Mark Jacob (@MarkJacob16) September 8, 2024
When we quote him accurately they’ll claim we are taking it out of context and that he didn’t say this and it’s some sort of “hoax.” https://t.co/uTCbNwzVlS— Decoding Fox News (@DecodingFoxNews) September 8, 2024
Trump saying the quiet part out loud. Believe every word he’s saying, because this is exactly what he will do if he wins in November. https://t.co/itXtrKUw07— Mary Anna Mancuso (@mancusomaryanna) September 9, 2024
Some scarier-than-usual rhetoric at Trump’s rally today. He repeated the false claim that Venezuelan gangs have taken over whole apartment buildings in Aurora, CO with weapons “even the military doesn’t see”.
Trump: “Getting them out will be a bloody story” pic.twitter.com/yXOiu8UbTE— Dr. Jen Golbeck (@jengolbeck) September 7, 2024
Trump’s plan to evict immigrants from the U.S. will be, according to him, “a bloody story”.
Folks, go back and study history. This is exactly what you would expect a fascist movement to look like in the U.S. https://t.co/T4XzQGkJqe— Brad Heitmann (@bradheitmann) September 8, 2024
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Trump’s rant yesterday re immigration (“Getting them out will be a bloody story”) is a red-lights-flashing, sirens-blaring warning of his Sadistic Personality Disorder.
Trump derives pleasure from other people’s pain (both emotional and physical pain) and death. We must prevent…— DrJackBrown 🌊 (@DrGJackBrown) September 8, 2024
In Wisconsin, Trump/Hitler promises to round up 12M asylum seekers & toss them in detention camps before deporting. He promises violence galore!!!
Trump: “Getting them out will be a bloody story. They should have never been allowed to come into our country”
MAGA IS A DEATH CULT pic.twitter.com/jxn9oReG9Q— Lones Smith (@LonesSmith) September 8, 2024
Donald Trump today promised his military roundup of millions of immigrants will be a “bloody story.”
The crowd cheered.
If you don’t see Hitler and Nazis in the MAGA movement, you aren’t paying attention.https://t.co/kh0SEEUL5m— Good Grief! (@natespuewell) September 9, 2024
IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: Trump says “getting them out will be a bloody story” when describing his plan to deport millions of undocumented immigrants from the country. This is scary stuff. Retweet so all Americans see this. pic.twitter.com/TfzB6jzVy3— Trump L’s (@Trump_Losses) September 8, 2024
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