Trump’s Rant About Helicopters Would Get Him Put In A Home In Any Normal Culture

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I’m going to begin this column by asking for a favor: do any of you have MAGA friends or relatives? Can you ask them a simple question, namely what the flaming fuck does anybody see in this man? I wouldn’t want to be seated at the same table with this guy, let alone want to work with him, and God forbid he should ever be my boss. So what is it that people SEE? Because I’ve only spoken to a couple of MAGAs and basically they had absorbed his lies about immigrants stealing jobs and so they were happy to jump on board and have a scapegoat.
And I spoke to an evangelical wingnut who believed that Trump was sent by God because the Christian Broadcasting Network said so. So is that the answer? Mindless fools just listen to others and vote accordingly? And America now has more mindless fools than thinking people? Is that the case?
Trump has been in office ten days now and it’s been a short honeymoon. So now he’s up and speaking at a presser about how the fatal crash in Washington, D.C. Wednesday is all somebody else’s fault. In this latest clip, he’s targeting the Army Blackhawk helicopter pilot — and claiming he knows more about helicopters than the pilot. He sounds like a raving lunatic. If you had an elder relative who was talking this way, you would seriously contemplate putting them in assisted living.
Again, WHY would anybody vote for this stupid fuck? I have been seeking answers to this. I read where the Amish voted for Trump because they were upset when the Pennsylvania government investigated a raw milk issue. So one of Trump’s campaign honchos went to the Amish and convinced them that Trump would prevent a reoccurrence of same.
Then he drove the Amish to polling places in busloads. And maybe Trump will destroy all regulations. And maybe next time people will die. But I guess the Amish might prefer that to having state regulatory boards “meddle” in their business affairs.
And I read another article recently on why young, *beautiful* (meaning well heeled) people like Trump. It’s because MAGA is “MTV for them.” This is all a lark for them. But would it be such high comedy if they had a relative onboard the plane or helicopter that crashed?
And speaking of the crash, NOBODY KNOWS what caused the crash! This is where Trump and Duffy are off base even talking about it. It needs to be investigated and then when actual forensic evidence has been obtained and evaluated, then a conclusion can be made about what caused the tragedy. Then is the time for a cabinet member or president to speak.
But to speak about it now, precipitously, is irresponsible. And to blame people is unconscionable. But that’s all this idiot can do.
So again, if anybody knows why people vote for this clown, what they think he’s going to do that benefits them — or what they thought Kamala was going to do that was so horrific — can somebody explain it to me, please?
Because when I see this guy, and this has been the case since he came down the escalator in 2015, I see an ignorant, phony, bombastic blowhard who is dangerous. That is all I see. And so far I have been right. What do they see that I do not? Why did they put him back in power?