“Trump’s Shocking Suggestion: Death Penalty for Leaker of White House Bunker Location!”

Photo Credit: AP
The White House is one of the prime destinations to explore in Washington D.C with its history dating back to eons. It has housed many great Presidents from Abraham Lincoln to John F. Kennedy and is presently the home of the current President of the US, Joe Biden. Its majestic white architecture followed by the stunning interiors and security measures within, make it a masterpiece boasting patriotism. A key highlight, however, is the legendary Presidential Bunker, also known as the ‘PEOC’ [Presidential Emergency Operations Center] hidden deep in the White House with its location unknown.
Well, until someone leaked the location in 2020; underneath the East Wing of The White House. Back when former President Donald Trump was still in power, the whereabouts of the bunker were unveiled. As per a book, Trump wasn’t exactly elated about this coming out into the open, as per a 2021 article by CNN. According to Michael C. Bender’s book: Frankly, We Did Win This Election: The Inside Story Of How Trump Lost, the author shed light on Trump’s erratic response to the leaked location.
It all began in 2020 when massive protests broke out in the State after the unfortunate demise of George Floyd. During that time, for the safety of then-President, Trump, his wife Melania, and their youngest son Barron, they were escorted to the famous underground bunker for a brief time until the situation was better.
Getting ready to read my 3rd tell all book, first it was “Landslide” by Michael Wolf, then “I alone can fix it” by Leonnig and Rucker, now the Michael Bender book. Wolf book was weak, Rucker Leonnig great, I’ll keep you posted on latest read. pic.twitter.com/jRKLmHgkbs— David Doak (@SouthPoint1000) July 28, 2021
In the book, Bender gave a brief account of the aftermath of the days post his time in the bunker and the intense meeting with law officials, West Wing advisors, and top military officials. In the meeting, Trump strongly voiced his concerns and seemed to have a rather disgruntled demeanor throughout.
Bender wrote, “Trump boiled over about the bunker story as soon as they arrived and shouted at them to smoke out whoever had leaked it.” Bender insinuates that Trump was suspicious that someone who was present at the meeting had leaked it given it’s a well-guarded secret and only people with special clearance owned such a vital piece of information.
Bender continued to write, “It was the most upset some aides had ever seen the President.” In his state of fury, Trump blurted out something rather harsh and drastic. As per Bender’s book, Trump alleged, “Whoever did that, they should be charged with treason! They should be executed!” The former President appeared to be in a state of anger and “obsession” for several days to find the person responsible for leaking such sensitive information. Shortly after Bender’s book had hit the shelves, Trump and his administration were questioned about claims of it being true.
Trump’s Chief Spokeswoman – Liz Harrington denied any such claims made in the book and released an official statement on the matter. She declares that Trump “never said this or suggested it to anyone.” The former President has continued to personally deny ever suggesting such a drastic move against the person who leaked it; their identity remains a mystery.