Trump’s Victory Lap Bit Him In the Butt. Now What?

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One of the interesting things about running a blog is that you get all kinds of press releases and invitations to interview people. Some of the press releases are right-wing batshit but I don’t unsubscribe.
I figure that the best way to beat these people is to know what they’re saying amongst themselves. Today Donald Trump did a rally in the Silver State just because he wanted to play big shot.
He crowed about being the first Republican to win the state since Dubya won it in 2004. And then he went on to lie about “we won this crazy, massive majority” which is total bullshit. The stats, from the Nevada Secretary of State show no such thing.
The final tabulation of votes was 751,205 for Trump/Vance to 705,197. That about 46,000 votes and less than 3%. That is only “crazy and massive” in Trump’s mind. But here’s where it gets good. This is from the Nevada Independent. Trump was bragging about what gave him the “crazy, massive majority.”
“But I’m sure you haven’t heard. We’re going to get it for you — no tax on tips.”
In a statement sent during the speech, Culinary Workers Union Local 226 Secretary-Treasurer Ted Pappageorge said the union supports the policy but that Republicans should work with Democrats to go beyond ending taxation on tips, including raising the subminimum wage for service workers and addressing corporate greed.
Now this is where the can of worms got opened. So here’s the press release that I got today and this is what King Donald is supposed to deliver on. This is from One Fair Wage and they’re not foolin’. Trump came into town to brag and play big shot and the hospitality workers said, “Hold my beer,” and this is their idea.
With a Republican ‘No Tax on Tips’ bill uplifted by President Trump at his Nevada Rally, Fair Wage Advocates Point to Real Solution for Service Workers: A Full Minimum Wage with Tips on Top—Workers
Need Higher Wages, Not Superficial Fixes Like the GOP’s Legislation
One Fair Wage Report Finds Two-Thirds of Tipped Workers Earn Too Little to Pay Federal Income Taxes, and the Proposal Fails to Address the Core Issue of Widespread Economic Insecurity Among Service Workers.
Las Vegas, NV – During his stop in Nevada today, President Donald Trump touted the “No Tax on Tips Act” as a win for service workers, framing the GOP-backed legislation as a pro-worker measure. But advocates say the proposal does little to address the root cause of economic insecurity among tipped workers: poverty wages.
In response to the president’s comments, Saru Jayaraman, president of One Fair Wage, issued the following statement:“On its own, ending income taxes on tipped wages is just like putting a Band-Aid on a deep wound caused by poverty wages. It might sound good on the surface, but for millions of tipped workers earning as little as $2.13 an hour, it’s meaningless. Two-thirds of these workers don’t even make enough to pay federal income taxes. Tipped workers don’t just need a tax break—they need a raise.
“This is about fairness and dignity. Service workers deserve to be paid a full minimum wage with tips on top, not stuck in a system that forces them to rely on unpredictable tips to survive. Tipped workers have been excluded from minimum wage increases, even in Democratic states, for too long. While Trump is delivering a false solution for tipped workers, all electeds and especially Democrats should be delivering the real solution for this population: raise wages, end the subminimum wage for tipped workers and ensure workers can support themselves and their families.”