UK Outlet Shows American Ones the Way With Trump. MOCK Him!

Photo Credit: Getty Images/AFP.
Donald Trump is famously thin-skinned. (Maybe that’s why the orange makeup is caked on like armor plating?) He hates being made fun of. Hell, most of us do BUT when it comes to dictators they hold a special kind of hatred for those who mock them. It scares them.
Because they rely on inspiring fear and the people they rule can’t go getting certain thoughts in their heads. Thoughts that are funny, that expose ridiculous traits/qualities they posses. Nothing is more corrosive to their hold on power than the masses seeing them as they almost always are. Seeing their vanities exposed. No, being MOCKED is something they hate, and for good reason.
In the case of Donald Trump there are, and have been since he became a public figure with Art of the Deal back in the 1980s plenty of things to mock. And people have. The problem since he entered politics is that media outlets, whether news or more entertainment oriented have refused to do so. REFUSED.
Now, as Lawrence O’Donnell tells us almost nightly they won’t even question Trump, much less do so with any aggressiveness. Trump is flat-out threatening to shut them down. I suspect he will in fact try. For the moment with outlets like ABC shelling out millions to settle bogus lawsuits (CBS seems close to it themselves) he’s content. I did catch a blurb about him having mentioned getting MSNBC off the air. We’ll see.
So, we can’t count on actual news outlets be they electronic or print to “tell the truth on Trump”, much less HAMMER all the ridiculous things about him that are so evident. There’s never in U.S. History been a Presidential candidate or President like him but by god news outlets have twisted themselves like pretzels to make him seem like nothing worse than a somewhat “unusual” or “eccentric” politician.
But even if all the spines on our side of the Atlantic melt over in the good ole United Kingdom they are still quite willing to rip Trumpty a new one. Scotland, where Trump has famous golf properties isn’t shy about making fun of the man universally known there as ‘The Orange Shitgibbon.’
Plenty of other clever insults have come out of there and if I’m not mistaken the UK is where the ‘Angry Trump Baby’ balloon became a thing. I’m sure I’ll get corrected if I’m wrong about that. Anyway, when I saw a HuffPost piece describing an article from the British satirical magazine Private Eye I had to help spread it around.
It’s trolling on a massive scale. The kind that makes you wish a WH reporter would ask Trumpty ‘What do you have to say to the popular British Magazine that made fun of you with a sarcastic apology?’
Well, don’t count on any American news outlet even mentioning it, except maybe O’Donnell if his team of researchers sees it. He can turn it into yet another segment on the failings of the WH Press Corps.
So what is is that Private Eye had to say? Here you go – The publication’s front page was headlined, “Donald Trump: An Apology.”
The text read:
“In common with all other media organisations, we may in the past have given the impression that we thought Mr Trump was a sleazy, deranged, orange-faced man-baby who was a threat to democracy and who should be in jail rather than the White House. We now realise, in the light of his return to supreme power, that he is in fact a political colossus, the voice of sanity, a champion of liberty, a model of probity and the saviour of the Western world. He is also slim, handsome and young.”
“We would like to apologize unreservedly for any confusion caused by our previous statements and thank President Trump for his kind invitation to give him 94 million pounds to attend his inauguration event.”
The small print at the bottom of the page read, “This statement has not been fact-checked.”
The magazine has a long history of poking the Trumpy Bear. All the way back to 2016. And according to HuffPost their send-up of Trump wasn’t limited to “apologizing.” They also took shots at his talk of grabbing Greenland and the Panama Canal, making fun of his Nobel ambitions saying his pardons merit that Peace Prize he covets. Oh, and a picture of him dancing with The Village People with the caption: “Return Of Village Idiot (Surely ‘People’?)”
So get in gear American publications. And while you’re at it start mercilessly MOCKING the WH Press Corps. Blogs like this can only do so much. But time and again it’s been shown how easy it is to knock Trump off his game – by making fun of him in a big enough way or setting that it gets noticed. HE CAN’T STAND THAT! It’s such an easy tool to use and we should be doing it constantly. And encouraging Democratic leaders and elected officials to do the same.