Vance Mocked For Being Oblivious Both To War and To Mike Pence

The amateur hour in Washington continues. J.D. Vance, who had all of two years governmental experience before he became vice president, was upset this weekend because while walking with his 3-year-old (and his Secret Service detail, make no mistake) a few protestors wanted to talk to him. So he obliged and they were polite.
Then Vance sought to make it into a political talking point and that blew up in his face. This is a habit with Vance. When Zelenskyy was in the Oval Office Vance spoke to him, “Like he was scolding a child for being late to dinner,” in the words of the Wall Street Journal. Finesse is not the man’s strong suit but if it was, Trump wouldn’t have chosen him to be VP.
Here’s the whole tweet. “Today while walking my 3 year old daughter a group of “Slava Ukraini” protesters followed us around and shouted as my daughter grew increasingly anxious and scared. I decided to speak with the protesters in the hopes that I could trade a few minutes of conversation for them leaving my toddler alone. (Nearly all of them agreed.) It was a mostly respectful conversation, but if you’re chasing a 3-year-old as part of a political protest, you’re a shit person.”
First of all, I love how he says, “While walking my 3-year-old,” like she’s the family dog and not a kid. What must the Vance household be like, “Oh honey, could you walk the kid today? I did it last week,” and J.D. snapping, “Goddamn it, I thought when they got housebroken all the big work was done. You mean I have to spend a half hour with one of them? What are we going to talk about? I’m busy, I need to write another fake memoir about a life I never lived.”
Nobody was “chasing a 3-year-old” but the reply Vance got spoke to the larger issue, which is that the man has no concept of inconvenience, let alone duress, let alone the realities of living in a war zone.
And speaking of “shit people” who would chase other people as part of a political protest, what about the shit person he works for, who had his own vice president on the run, heading for the tunnels under the Capitol and afraid to get into a chauffeured vehicle? What about that?
Protestors may have spoken to J.D. but they didn’t use bear spray, mace, flagpoles, bats, tazers or any of the other accoutrements that Trump’s MAGA hoard brought to the Capitol on January 6. It is true that sticks and stones will break your bones and all Vance had to deal with was words. He’s way ahead of the position that Mike Pence was in that awful day.
Do you love it? What’s an overstatement of $250 billion? Again, if Biden did it, the pitchforks and torches would be coming out and storming the hill MAGA would be. But Trump says it, hey, what’s the big deal? Trump’s got a golf game to think about, he can’t be worried about trivia like Ukraine holding the line for democracy in the world.
It’s quite the switcheroo when the American president and his coterie are anti-democracy but that is indeed where we are. You’ll be glad to know, however, that other countries in the world are holding the line. Because they understand what’s involved and what a linchpin Ukraine is. Unlike J.D. Vance.