Newest CT Is Putin Asking To Extradite Fauci As Barter For Ukraine

There is a reason why we’re looking at this idiocy which sprang forth on Twit/X tonight, a full blown conspiracy theory, just like Athena popping out of Zeus’ head. That reason is to study how these CTs come into being. If you go out and ask the average American on the street, “Where was Barack Obama born?” a great many of them are going to tell you “Africa.”
Why? Because Donald Trump made up this vicious birther conspiracy some years back and it’s the old adage come to life, “A lie travels halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its boots on.” With Trump back in office, CT is going to be all the rage. So learn how these things happen. Because you’re going to be seeing a lot of them. (Pssst: We don’t have an extradition treaty with Russia.)
This is why we are where we are. This right here. The Cillian account pushing this garbage has in his/her profile: “What’s the difference between conspiracy theory and the truth? Six months.” That’s straight out of Joseph Goebbels playbook.
Get ready to be bored to death because my mantra, which I may scream from time to time, or figure out how to write in blood on the internet, is going to be, “WE HAVE TO FIGHT BACK AGAINST DISINFORMATION IN REAL TIME.” We got here due to disinformation. Nothing else.
You see the insanity? Fauci is accused of killing more people than Hitler, when he isn’t busy torturing dogs, and he also supposedly made billions of dollars off of COVID. He didn’t make a dime beyond his usual salary, which is a good one due to his length of service, but it’s not billions.
But people believe this. I personally know a woman in California who believes the dog torturing and the grifting for billions gossip about Fauci. There are plenty of ignorant people like her who have demonized this man, because they don’t bother to check out what is gossip and hearsay. They just believe whatever they’re told. And Trump is the father of the Fauci lie, just like the birther lie, because he needed a scapegoat and fast.
Dr. Fauci is a MAGA scapegoat. Joe Biden hoped the pardon would end this and for practical purposes, it will. But now there’s a new angle, the barter for Ukraine war CT, and there’s new life breathed into the Fauci hate.